Percentage calculator


App details

Percentage calculator
Applorium Ltd / DEEBEE

Discover the Power of Percentage Calculator! Need to calculate percentages quickly and effortlessly? The "Percentage Calculator" app is here to help you out in just a few clicks! Whether you're shopping during sales, tracking progress at work, or just crunching numbers, this percentage calculator is your perfect companion. This percentage calculator helps you with: Percentage increase calculations Percentage decrease calculations Calculating the percentage of any amount The app features a navigation bar at the top of the screen (under "Percentage Calculation") that lets you choose the type of percentage calculation you need. Once you've entered the basic information, simply hit "Calculate," and you're done: Initial value Percentage For those of you who are more advanced, there's a complete mode available in the menu. Click on "Complete," and you'll gain access to a custom percentage calculator for personalized calculations. Pro Tip: Press the gray square to toggle between increasing or decreasing the value. How to Calculate Percentages: Percentage Increase Calculator: Here’s one method: Marc has a salary of €1000 and wants to know his new salary with a 12.5% increase. So, we take 12.5/100 or 0.125, and multiply by 1000 (the salary). The increase is €125, so his new salary will be €1125. Percentage Decrease Calculator: Kevin spends €40 a week on gas and wants to cut his expenses by 15%. We take the remaining 85% or 0.85 (85/100) and multiply by €40. This gives 40 x 0.85 = €34, saving him €6. If you enjoy the app, feel free to leave us a review!

How to play:

How to Use the Percentage Calculator? Download and Install the App: Search for "Percentage Calculator" in your app store, download, and install. Choose Calculation Mode: Select the type of percentage calculation you need from the navigation bar at the top of the screen. Enter Data: Input the initial value and the percentage, then click "Calculate." Advanced Mode: For more complex calculations, switch to "Complete" mode and create custom calculations. View Results: Check your results to see the percentage increase or decrease based on your input.